Reeb Price Catalog - Interior Doors - Effective 03/13/2023

Interior Doors Additions and Deductions

Interior Stop Add On for Standard Clear Pine Units

Single 6/8 Unit

Double 6/8 Unit

Single 7/0 Unit

Double 7/0 Unit

Single 8/0 Unit

Double 8/0 Unit

Stop Profile


Clear Pine WM-876 Clear Pine WM-888 Clear Pine WM-888H Clear Pine WM-935 Clear Pine WM-936 Clear Pine WM-948

3/8” x 1-1/8” 7/16” x 1-3/8” 1/2” x 1-1/8” 7/16” x 1-5/8” 7/16” x 1-3/8” 3/8” x 1-1/8”




$4.00 -$1.00

$3.00 $0.00

$4.00 $2.00

-$2.00 -$3.00 $0.00

$20.00 $24.00 $23.00 $27.00 $23.00 $27.00 $15.00 $18.00 $11.00 $14.00 $13.00 $16.00

$11.00 $15.00 $7.00

$11.00 $11.00 $15.00

Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard $192.00 $245.00 $193.00 $245.00 $219.00 $252.00 $271.00 $303.00 $272.00 $303.00 $279.00 $310.00

Portaseal Weatherstrip F/J 3-Sides, Colonial or Clamshell square Portaseal Weatherstrip F/J 4-Sides, Colonial or Clamshell square square Clamshell Portaseal Weatherstrip Stocked in 6/8 Heights Only.

Double Rabbeted Jamb Add On

Single 6/8 Unit

Double 6/8 Unit

Single 7/0 Unit

Double 7/0 Unit

Single 8/0 Unit

Double 8/0 Unit

Jamb Species


Primed Primed Primed Primed Primed Primed

1-3/16" x 4-9/16" 1-3/16" x 4-7/8" 1-3/16" x 5-1/4" 1-3/16" x 6-9/16" 1-3/16" x 6-7/8" 1-3/16" x 9-1/4" 1-3/16” x 4-9/16” 1-3/16” x 4-7/8” 1-3/16” x 5-1/4” 1-3/16” x 6-9/16” 1-3/16” x 9-1/4” 1-3/16” x 4-9/16” 1-3/16” x 6-9/16”

$27.00 $31.00 $39.00 $43.00 $32.00 $36.00 $32.00 $38.00 $46.00 $51.00 $39.00 $44.00

$146.00 $175.00 $161.00 $189.00



$83.00 $94.00 $103.00 $113.00 $96.00 $107.00

$148.00 $173.00 $145.00 $169.00



$482.00 $573.00 $479.00 $569.00 $472.00 $563.00 $161.00 $192.00 $198.00 $228.00 $191.00 $222.00 $193.00 $231.00 $237.00 $274.00 $230.00 $267.00 $197.00 $236.00 $281.00 $319.00 $274.00 $312.00 $291.00 $344.00 $348.00 $400.00 $342.00 $393.00 $588.00 $700.00 $585.00 $696.00 $578.00 $689.00 $262.00 $317.00 $303.00 $357.00 $296.00 $350.00 $472.00 $574.00 $496.00 $597.00 $489.00 $590.00

Clear Pine Clear Pine Clear Pine Clear Pine Clear Pine

Primed Solid Poplar Primed Solid Poplar

4-Sided Double Rabbeted Jamb Add On

Single 6/8 Unit

Double 6/8 Unit

Single 7/0 Unit

Double 7/0 Unit

Single 8/0 Unit

Double 8/0 Unit

Jamb Species


Primed Primed

1-3/16” x 4-9/16” 1-3/16” x 6-9/16” 1-3/16” x 4-9/16” 1-3/16” x 6-9/16”

$76.00 $98.00 $76.00 $98.00 $76.00 $98.00 $141.00 $179.00 $141.00 $179.00 $141.00 $179.00 $237.00 $313.00 $237.00 $313.00 $237.00 $313.00 $390.00 $511.00 $390.00 $511.00 $390.00 $511.00

Clear Pine Clear Pine

1-3/8” Single Rabbeted Jamb Add On

Single 6/8 Unit

Double 6/8 Unit

Single 7/0 Unit

Double 7/0 Unit

Single 8/0 Unit

Double 8/0 Unit

Jamb Species


Primed Primed Primed

1-3/16” x 4-9/16” 1-3/16” x 6-9/16” 1-3/16” x 9-1/4” 1-3/16” x 4-9/16” 1-3/16” x 6-9/16” 1-3/16” x 9-1/4” 1-3/16” x 4-9/16” 1-3/16” x 6-9/16” 1-3/16” x 4-9/16” 1-3/16” x 4-9/16” 1-3/16” x 4-9/16”

$30.00 $36.00 $101.00 $106.00 $95.00 $99.00 $89.00 $101.00 $97.00 $108.00 $90.00 $102.00 $482.00 $573.00 $479.00 $569.00 $472.00 $563.00 $161.00 $193.00 $198.00 $229.00 $191.00 $219.00 $367.00 $435.00 $364.00 $431.00 $357.00 $420.00 $588.00 $700.00 $585.00 $696.00 $578.00 $684.00 $257.00 $312.00 $297.00 $350.00 $290.00 $338.00 $459.00 $557.00 $485.00 $583.00 $478.00 $572.00

Clear Pine Clear Pine Clear Pine

Primed Solid Poplar Primed Solid Poplar

Primed, White W/S - (3-Sides) Primed, White W/S - (4-Sides)

$99.00 $142.00 $242.00

— $119.00 — $162.00 — $262.00

— $113.00 — $156.00 — $256.00

— — —

Primed, White W/S, Sweep, Oak Threshold

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