Reeb Price Catalog - Interior Doors - Effective 03/13/2023


Terms and Conditions


Please Note The Millwork distributed by Reeb ® Millwork Corp. is of good material and workmanship, free from defects, which render it unserviceable for the use for which it has been manufactured. Natural variations in the color or texture of the wood, either before or after it has been water-repellant preservative treated, where appropriate, are not considered defects. The high quality of our products is safeguarded while in our possession. Our products must be given the same careful treatment by others. They must be properly handled and protected at all times. They must be stored and installed only in dry buildings and never in damp, moist or freshly plastered areas. They must not be subjected to abnormal heat, dryness or humidity for prolonged periods. They must be correctly fitted and installed. They must be properly finished and top and bottom edges of doors must be thoroughly painted, varnished, or otherwise sealed to prevent undue absorption of moisture. We will not be responsible for defects resulting from neglect of these precautions Returned Materials Permission must be obtained from our office for any material to be returned. Order or invoice number and date must be furnished before returns can be authorized. Credit will be allowed at the invoice price less the current handling charge. STOCK MATERIAL ONLY will be accepted when returned in good, salable condition, all cartons intact, within 30 days from date of shipment. Set-up units or Special Millwork of another description are NOT RETURNABLE. Claims No claims for shortages, damage or error in shipment will be allowed unless reported within 5 days after receipt of goods. No claims for service work performed by others will be allowed unless specifically authorized by us in advance. Terms of Sale Warehouse shipments: 1% Discount on net amount of invoice after deducting freight if paid not later than the 10th of the month following date of shipment or net 25 days after the first of the month following shipment. (Shipments through the Month-End are discountable the 10th of the following month and due net on the 25th of that month). Direct Factory Shipments: The cash discount on direct factory shipments will be 1% if paid in full within 15 days after date of invoice (invoice date will be the same as the date of shipment). All direct shipments not discounted will be due net 25 days after date of invoice, i.e., ship date. Service Charge: A 1-1/2% service charge will be charged on all past due account balances. Past Due Accounts do not qualify for volume discounts.

1000 Maloney Circle Bethlehem, PA 18015 (800) 862-8622

7475 Henry Clay Blvd. Liverpool, NY 13088 (800) 422-5224

19 Business Park Dr. Smithfield, RI 02917 (800) 343-5703

1315 Goldsboro Rd. Barclay, MD 21607 (800) 825-8331

346 Bethel Church Rd. Mocksville, NC 27028 (800) 642-0886

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Terms and Conditions


Credit Agreement 1. All amounts are payable on or before the net due date as shown on each invoice, and if not paid on or before said date, are then delinquent. It is understood that Reeb ® Millwork Corporation may impose and charge a service charge, which is the lower of one and one-half percent per month or the highest rate allowed by law on any amount, which becomes past due and delinquent. Additionally, the customer is responsible for all collections and costs and reasonable attorney’s fees in connection with any delinquent accounts and agrees that Lehigh County, Pennsylvania, shall be proper venue for any legal action. 2. No terms or conditions of purchase orders different from the terms of Reeb Millwork Corporation will become a part of any sales agreement unless specifically approved in writing by Reeb Millwork Corporation. 3. It is agreed that Reeb Millwork Corporation may utilize outside credit reporting services to obtain information about a customer. 4. It is also agreed that the continued solvency of customer is a precondition of any sales made by Reeb Millwork Corporation. Customer agrees to provide Reeb Millwork Corporation on request; a statement representing that customer is and remains solvent. In the event that customer is or becomes insolvent and accepts delivery of purchased products thereafter, then Reeb Millwork Corp shall have the right as its option, to reclaim those goods at customers locations without notice or further legal action. Facsimiles will be binding until the signed original is received by Reeb Millwork Corporation. These provisions are governed by the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. In the event that a dispute arises between the customer and Reeb Millwork Corporation, and such dispute comes before a court of competent jurisdiction, the customer specifically and knowingly waives its right to a trial by jury on any issue that may come before such court. Important Possession of this catalog does not constitute a firm offer to sell. All prices are subject to change without notice, and orders accepted subject to prices in effect at time of shipment. Prices in this book apply only to sizes and descriptions listed; any other specification will be considered special and invoiced as such. Please request quotation on special materials. All orders are subject to acceptance dependent upon availability of material. We reserve the right to make changes at any time, without notice, in designs and specifications, and also to discontinue any item listed in this book, without obligation to supply as herein described.

1000 Maloney Circle Bethlehem, PA 18015 (800) 862-8622

7475 Henry Clay Blvd. Liverpool, NY 13088 (800) 422-5224

19 Business Park Dr. Smithfield, RI 02917 (800) 343-5703

1315 Goldsboro Rd. Barclay, MD 21607 (800) 825-8331

346 Bethel Church Rd. Mocksville, NC 27028 (800) 642-0886

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Field Service Policy


Reeb ® Millwork Corporation has established the following Service Policy to handle product concerns through the Field Service Department.

» It is required that all field product concerns are to be qualified by the dealer personnel to insure that there is a legitimate concern with the product, not a condition created as a result of improper Installation or failure to properly finish or maintain the product. » Upon determination that there is a legitimate product concern, your Reeb Millwork Territorial Sales Manager or the Service Coordinator is to be provided with the following information: • Reeb ® Millwork’s invoice number (Photocopy preferred) • Your Purchase Order number • Date of Reeb’s delivery • A detailed report of the nature of the problem with pictures supporting the claim when necessary • Customer’s name, address (including zip code), phone number (both day and evening) and the customer’s e-mail address • Contractor’s name and phone number if job site is unoccupied » Your Reeb Territorial Sales Manager will determine if an inspection is necessary and will call within 48 hours to set up an appointment. Inspections will take place within 7 business days of receipt of the concern.

1000 Maloney Circle Bethlehem, PA 18015 (800) 862-8622

7475 Henry Clay Blvd. Liverpool, NY 13088 (800) 422-5224

19 Business Park Dr. Smithfield, RI 02917 (800) 343-5703

1315 Goldsboro Rd. Barclay, MD 21607 (800) 825-8331

346 Bethel Church Rd. Mocksville, NC 27028 (800) 642-0886

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Field Service Policy


» If, upon inspection, it is determined that the concern is a result of product failure that is warranted by the manufacturer and within the warranty period, repair or replacement will be made as per that manufacturer’s warranty. Please note that most manufacturers’ warranties provide no compensation for labor, i.e., finishing or refitting replacement product. Therefore, in our role as distributor we are bound to follow the terms and conditions set forth by the manufacturer’s warranty. » If, upon inspection, it is determined that the problem is a result of an assembly defect by Reeb ® Millwork, the necessary repair or replacement, at our discretion, will be provided by authorized Reeb personnel at no charge to the customer for up to one year from the date of purchase. » If, Reeb’s service representative or their agent determines that the problem is not as outlined above, there will be a minimum charge of $95.00 net to the Dealer. No work will be done by Reeb’s representative, or our agent, which is outside the scope of the manufacturer’s warranty or for problems not caused by product failure and/or mis manufacture by Reeb or the manufacturer.

» When requested, non-warranty service work can be provided under the following terms: $95.00 per hour for labor, including mileage and travel expenses.

This pricing structure applies to Dealers, Contractors, and homeowners. Contractors and homeowners will be expected to pay C.O.D. for services rendered.

1000 Maloney Circle Bethlehem, PA 18015 (800) 862-8622

7475 Henry Clay Blvd. Liverpool, NY 13088 (800) 422-5224

19 Business Park Dr. Smithfield, RI 02917 (800) 343-5703

1315 Goldsboro Rd. Barclay, MD 21607 (800) 825-8331

346 Bethel Church Rd. Mocksville, NC 27028 (800) 642-0886

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Interior Doors Additions and Deductions

Interior Prehung Doors Reeb strongly suggests the use of ball bearing hinges with all solid core door units for smooth operation and to extend the life of your door unit. Please Note: 1-3/4” Doors Cannot Be Hung On Split Jambs. Interior Standard Prehung Door Specifications and Rough Openings Below are the standard prehung door specifications for each of Reeb's locations as well as Interior door rough openings. All pricing showcased in this section reflect the use of Bethlehem & Syracuse standard specifications. For other location specific standard pricing, please include the adders at the bottom of the respective pages. If a different unit specification from your location's standard is needed, please notify Reeb at the time of order. The leadtime may be extended and the rough opening may vary from those listed below.

Bethlehem & Syracuse 1-Piece Primed Flat Jamb 11/16” X 4-9/16” No casing; US4B hinges Standard stops are Colonial and Round One Edge

Rough Opening Adders Dimensions added to nominal door size.

Bethlehem, Syracuse, Barclay & Mocksville


Add to Door Width

Add to Door Height

Add to Door Width

Add to Door Height

Door Configuration and Setup

Providence 2-Piece Primed Split Jamb

Single Unit Double Unit

2” 2”

2-1/4” 2-1/4” 2-1/4” 2-1/4” 2-1/4” 2-5/8” 2-5/8” 2-5/8”

2” 2”

2-1/2” 2-1/2” 2-1/2” 2-1/2” 2-1/2” 2-5/8” 2-5/8” 2-5/8”

2-1/2” WM351 Casing Standard for 1-3/8” Doors Doors are shipped with full cardboard protective sleeve around the casing

Double Unit with Astragal



Bifold Set Up Bypass Set Up





Barclay 2-Piece Primed Split Jamb 2-1/4” WM376 Casing Standard for 1-3/8” Doors

Unit with 5/4” Jamb



Double Unit 5/4” Jamb w/ Astragal


3-1/2” 3-5/8”

Unit with 5/4” Jamb w/ SOSS Hinge 3-5/8”

Double Unit 5/4” Jamb w/ SOSS Hinges and Astragal





Mocksville 2-Piece Raw F/J Split Jamb 2-1/4” WM356 Casing Standard for 1-3/8” Doors

Double Door Width

Add to Door Height

Double Door Width

Add to Door Height

Pocket Door Units

1500/1000 Series

Add 1” Add 2”

4-1/2” 4-1/2”

Add 1” Add 2”

4-1/2” 4-1/2”

1000 Series Assembled Frame

Interior Frame and Casing Profiles

WM356 11/16” x 2-1/4” WM351 11/16” x 2-1/2” WM356 11/16” x 2-1/4”

WM376 11/16” x 2-1/4” WM376 11/16” x 2-1/4”

WM351 11/16” x 2-1/2” WM356 11/16” x 2-1/4” WM351 11/16” x 2-1/2”

Double Rabbeted Jamb

Flat Jamb w/ Colonial Stop

Flat Jamb w/ R1E Stop

Single Rabbeted Jamb

Split Jamb


Double Doors

Double Doors

Single Door

Single Door

Left Hand Inswing

Right Hand Inswing

Left Hand Active Inswing

Right Hand Active Inswing

Left Hand Outswing

Right Hand Outswing

Left Hand Active Outswing

Right Hand Active Outswing


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Interior Doors Additions and Deductions

Set-Up or Knocked Down Cased Openings - No Casing







Primed 11/16” x 4-9/16” KD Primed 11/16” x 4-9/16” Set-Up

$64.00 $78.00 $70.00 $84.00 $77.00 $91.00 $99.00 $127.00 $105.00 $133.00 $112.00 $140.00

Set-Up or Knocked Down Bifold Cased Openings with Cove - No Casing



Primed 11/16” x 4-9/16” KD Primed 11/16” x 4-9/16” Set-Up

$91.00 $110.00 $126.00 $159.00

Set-Up or KD Bypass Cased Openings - No Casing (For Complete Unit, add to 2X Door only price) Additional Pull finishes available at no extra charge




Primed 11/16" x 4-9/16" for 1-3/8" Doors (No Pulls) KD Primed 11/16" x 4-9/16" for 1-3/8" Doors (No Pulls) Set-Up Primed 11/16" x 4-9/16" for 1-3/8" Doors (Small Pulls) Set-Up Primed 11/16" x 4-9/16" for 1-3/8" Doors (Large Pulls) Set-Up

$210.00 $216.00 $223.00 $259.00 $265.00 $272.00 $259.00 $265.00 $272.00 $259.00 $265.00 $272.00 $340.00 $346.00 $353.00 $389.00 $395.00 $402.00 $389.00 $395.00 $402.00

Primed 11/16" x 4-9/16" for 1-3/8" Doors (Heavy Duty Hardware, Large Pulls) KD Primed 11/16" x 4-9/16" for 1-3/8" Doors (Heavy Duty Hardware, Large Pulls) Set-Up Primed 11/16" x 4-9/16" for 1-3/4" Doors (Heavy Duty Hardware, Large Pulls) Set-Up

Flat Jamb Add On

Single 6/8 Unit

Double 6/8 Unit

Single 7/0 Unit

Double 7/0 Unit

Single 8/0 Unit

Double 8/0 Unit

Jamb Species


Primed Primed Primed Primed Primed Primed Primed Primed Primed

11/16” x 3-5/8” 11/16” x 3-7/8” 11/16” x 4-9/16” 11/16” x 4-7/8” 11/16” x 5-1/4” 11/16” x 6-9/16” 11/16” x 6-7/8” 11/16” x 7-1/4” 11/16” x 9-1/4”

-$12.00 -$12.00

— —

— —

-$10.00 -$8.00 -$9.00 -$9.00

Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard

$2.00 $7.00






$13.00 $8.00 $14.00 $10.00 $10.00

$28.00 $43.00 $30.00 $45.00 $32.00 $41.00 $46.00 $68.00 $45.00 $68.00 $43.00 $60.00 $84.00 $105.00 $111.00 $135.00 $109.00 $128.00 $204.00 $257.00 $203.00 $255.00 $196.00 $243.00 $225.00 $244.00 $233.00 $251.00 $235.00 $246.00 $255.00 $281.00 $261.00 $287.00 $266.00 $285.00 $121.00 $152.00 $128.00 $157.00 $144.00 $169.00 $148.00 $185.00 $157.00 $192.00 $176.00 $206.00 $223.00 $283.00 $232.00 $291.00 $256.00 $310.00 $455.00 $522.00 $462.00 $530.00 $491.00 $551.00 $546.00 $641.00 $563.00 $657.00 $601.00 $687.00 $660.00 $765.00 $664.00 $776.00 $710.00 $814.00 $51.00 $63.00 $55.00 $66.00 $63.00 $69.00 $128.00 $166.00 $204.00 $241.00 $198.00 $226.00 $365.00 $417.00 $445.00 $496.00 $445.00 $488.00 $368.00 $419.00 $448.00 $499.00 $448.00 $490.00 $442.00 $513.00 $594.00 $664.00 $580.00 $642.00 $169.00 $205.00 $179.00 $215.00 $199.00 $230.00 $344.00 $434.00 $344.00 $432.00 $384.00 $469.00 $699.00 $826.00 $709.00 $835.00 $767.00 $885.00 $701.00 $829.00 $711.00 $838.00 $769.00 $888.00 $874.00 $1,050.00 $874.00 $1,049.00 $951.00 $1,118.00 $197.00 $243.00 $208.00 $252.00 — — $62.00 $78.00 — — — — $81.00 $102.00 $89.00 $109.00 $102.00 $115.00 $100.00 $142.00 $109.00 $150.00 — —

Primed circle Primed circle Primed 5/4 Primed 5/4 Primed 5/4

11/16” x 11” 11/16” x 13”

1-3/32” x 4-9/16” 1-3/32” x 4-7/8” 1-3/32” x 6-9/16”

Primed 5/4 circle Primed 5/4 circle Primed 5/4 circle

1-3/32” x 9” 1-3/32” x 11” 1-3/32” x 13”

Clear Pine Clear Pine Clear Pine Clear Pine Clear Pine

11/16” x 4-9/16” 11/16” x 4-7/8” 11/16” x 5-1/4” 11/16” x 6-9/16” 11/16” x 7-1/4”

Clear Pine circle Clear Pine circle Clear Pine circle Clear Pine 5/4 Clear Pine 5/4 Clear Pine 5/4 Clear Pine 5/4 circle Clear Pine 5/4 circle Clear Pine 5/4 circle Pine Veneered

11/16” x 9” 11/16” x 11” 11/16” x 13”

1-3/32” x 4-9/16” 1-3/32” x 5-1/4” 1-3/32” x 7-1/4” 1-3/32” x 9” 1-3/32” x 11” 1-3/32” x 14” 11/16” x 4-9/16”

$42.00 $52.00

Interior Adds & Deducts - Page 2 1Q2023 Visit our online catalog at

2 piece jamb, visible glue line will not be covered by the stop. circle

Interior Doors Additions and Deductions

4-Sided Flat Jamb Add On

Single 6/8 Unit

Double 6/8 Unit

Single 7/0 Unit

Double 7/0 Unit

Single 8/0 Unit

Double 8/0 Unit

Jamb Species


Primed Primed

11/16” x 4-9/16” 11/16” x 6-9/16” 11/16” x 4-9/16” 11/16” x 6-9/16”

$38.00 $26.00 $38.00 $26.00 $38.00 $26.00 $76.00 $75.00 $76.00 $75.00 $76.00 $75.00 $105.00 $115.00 $105.00 $115.00 $105.00 $115.00 $154.00 $207.00 $154.00 $207.00 $154.00 $207.00

Clear Pine Clear Pine

Flat Jamb Add On

Single 6/8 Unit

Double 6/8 Unit

Single 7/0 Unit

Double 7/0 Unit

Single 8/0 Unit

Double 8/0 Unit

Jamb Species


Knotty Alder Veneered Knotty Alder Veneered

11/16" x 4-9/16" 11/16" x 6-9/16" 11/16" x 4-9/16" 11/16" x 4-9/16" 11/16" x 4-9/16" 11/16" x 4-9/16" 11/16" x 6-9/16" 1-3/32" x 4-9/16" 1-3/32" x 4-7/8" 1-3/32" x 6-9/16" 1-3/32" x 6-7/8" 1-3/32" x 9-1/4" 11/16" x 4-9/16" 11/16" x 5-1/4" 11/16" x 6-9/16" 11/16" x 7-1/4"

$145.00 $175.00 $165.00 $194.00 $158.00 $188.00

$250.00 $308.00

— — — —

— — — —

Fir Veneered

$948.00 $1,221.00 $945.00 $1,217.00 $808.00 $1,057.00 $805.00 $1,053.00 $151.00 $195.00 $148.00 $191.00

Maple Veneered

Solid Poplar

Primed Solid Poplar Primed Solid Poplar Primed Solid Poplar Primed Solid Poplar Primed Solid Poplar Primed Solid Poplar Primed Solid Poplar

$234.00 $282.00 $231.00 $278.00 $237.00 $284.00 $321.00 $393.00 $318.00 $389.00 $329.00 $396.00 $284.00 $343.00 $320.00 $378.00 $313.00 $368.00 $364.00 $438.00 $361.00 $434.00 $354.00 $423.00 $409.00 $500.00 $455.00 $545.00 $448.00 $534.00 $472.00 $574.00 $469.00 $570.00 $462.00 $559.00 $646.00 $778.00 $643.00 $774.00 $637.00 $763.00

Solid Oak Solid Oak Solid Oak Solid Oak Solid Oak

$159.00 $203.00 $166.00 $209.00 $211.00 $269.00 $208.00 $265.00 $246.00 $320.00 $271.00 $344.00 $303.00 $373.00 $300.00 $369.00 $624.00 $733.00 $631.00 $740.00 $624.00 $733.00 $631.00 $740.00 $768.00 $896.00 $765.00 $892.00 $830.00 $1,084.00 $827.00 $1,080.00

— — — — — — — —

— — — — — — — —

11/16" x 9" 11/16" x 11" 11/16" x 13"

Solid Oak circle Solid Oak circle

11/16" x 4-9/16"

Oak Veneered

Interior Stop Add On for a Standard Primed Unit

Single 6/8 Unit

Double 6/8 Unit

Single 7/0 Unit

Double 7/0 Unit

Single 8/0 Unit

Double 8/0 Unit

Stop Profile


Primed WM-888 Primed WM-876

3/8" x 1-1/8" 7/16" x 1-3/8" 1/2" x 1-1/8" 7/16" x 1-3/8" 3/8" x 1-1/8"

$5.00 $0.00

$6.00 $0.00

$5.00 $0.00

$7.00 $0.00

$5.00 $0.00

$8.00 $0.00

Primed WM-888H (Mocksville Stock)

$16.00 $19.00 $16.00 $19.00 $16.00 $19.00

Primed WM-936 Primed WM-948







Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard $115.00 $124.00 $151.00 $160.00 $163.00 $160.00 $162.00 $165.00 $198.00 $201.00 $198.00 $201.00

Portaseal Weatherstrip F/J 3-Sides, Colonial or Clamshell square Portaseal Weatherstrip F/J 4-Sides, Colonial or Clamshell square


WM948 3/8” x 1-1/8”

WM888 3/8” x 1-1/8”

WM888H 1/2” x 1-1/8”

WM936 7/16” x 1-3/8”

WM876 7/16” x 1-3/8”

2 piece jamb, visible glue line will not be covered by the stop. Clamshell Portaseal Weatherstrip Stocked in 6/8 Heights Only. circle square

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Interior Doors Additions and Deductions

Interior Stop Add On for Standard Clear Pine Units

Single 6/8 Unit

Double 6/8 Unit

Single 7/0 Unit

Double 7/0 Unit

Single 8/0 Unit

Double 8/0 Unit

Stop Profile


Clear Pine WM-876 Clear Pine WM-888 Clear Pine WM-888H Clear Pine WM-935 Clear Pine WM-936 Clear Pine WM-948

3/8” x 1-1/8” 7/16” x 1-3/8” 1/2” x 1-1/8” 7/16” x 1-5/8” 7/16” x 1-3/8” 3/8” x 1-1/8”




$4.00 -$1.00

$3.00 $0.00

$4.00 $2.00

-$2.00 -$3.00 $0.00

$20.00 $24.00 $23.00 $27.00 $23.00 $27.00 $15.00 $18.00 $11.00 $14.00 $13.00 $16.00

$11.00 $15.00 $7.00

$11.00 $11.00 $15.00

Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard $192.00 $245.00 $193.00 $245.00 $219.00 $252.00 $271.00 $303.00 $272.00 $303.00 $279.00 $310.00

Portaseal Weatherstrip F/J 3-Sides, Colonial or Clamshell square Portaseal Weatherstrip F/J 4-Sides, Colonial or Clamshell square square Clamshell Portaseal Weatherstrip Stocked in 6/8 Heights Only.

Double Rabbeted Jamb Add On

Single 6/8 Unit

Double 6/8 Unit

Single 7/0 Unit

Double 7/0 Unit

Single 8/0 Unit

Double 8/0 Unit

Jamb Species


Primed Primed Primed Primed Primed Primed

1-3/16" x 4-9/16" 1-3/16" x 4-7/8" 1-3/16" x 5-1/4" 1-3/16" x 6-9/16" 1-3/16" x 6-7/8" 1-3/16" x 9-1/4" 1-3/16” x 4-9/16” 1-3/16” x 4-7/8” 1-3/16” x 5-1/4” 1-3/16” x 6-9/16” 1-3/16” x 9-1/4” 1-3/16” x 4-9/16” 1-3/16” x 6-9/16”

$27.00 $31.00 $39.00 $43.00 $32.00 $36.00 $32.00 $38.00 $46.00 $51.00 $39.00 $44.00

$146.00 $175.00 $161.00 $189.00



$83.00 $94.00 $103.00 $113.00 $96.00 $107.00

$148.00 $173.00 $145.00 $169.00



$482.00 $573.00 $479.00 $569.00 $472.00 $563.00 $161.00 $192.00 $198.00 $228.00 $191.00 $222.00 $193.00 $231.00 $237.00 $274.00 $230.00 $267.00 $197.00 $236.00 $281.00 $319.00 $274.00 $312.00 $291.00 $344.00 $348.00 $400.00 $342.00 $393.00 $588.00 $700.00 $585.00 $696.00 $578.00 $689.00 $262.00 $317.00 $303.00 $357.00 $296.00 $350.00 $472.00 $574.00 $496.00 $597.00 $489.00 $590.00

Clear Pine Clear Pine Clear Pine Clear Pine Clear Pine

Primed Solid Poplar Primed Solid Poplar

4-Sided Double Rabbeted Jamb Add On

Single 6/8 Unit

Double 6/8 Unit

Single 7/0 Unit

Double 7/0 Unit

Single 8/0 Unit

Double 8/0 Unit

Jamb Species


Primed Primed

1-3/16” x 4-9/16” 1-3/16” x 6-9/16” 1-3/16” x 4-9/16” 1-3/16” x 6-9/16”

$76.00 $98.00 $76.00 $98.00 $76.00 $98.00 $141.00 $179.00 $141.00 $179.00 $141.00 $179.00 $237.00 $313.00 $237.00 $313.00 $237.00 $313.00 $390.00 $511.00 $390.00 $511.00 $390.00 $511.00

Clear Pine Clear Pine

1-3/8” Single Rabbeted Jamb Add On

Single 6/8 Unit

Double 6/8 Unit

Single 7/0 Unit

Double 7/0 Unit

Single 8/0 Unit

Double 8/0 Unit

Jamb Species


Primed Primed Primed

1-3/16” x 4-9/16” 1-3/16” x 6-9/16” 1-3/16” x 9-1/4” 1-3/16” x 4-9/16” 1-3/16” x 6-9/16” 1-3/16” x 9-1/4” 1-3/16” x 4-9/16” 1-3/16” x 6-9/16” 1-3/16” x 4-9/16” 1-3/16” x 4-9/16” 1-3/16” x 4-9/16”

$30.00 $36.00 $101.00 $106.00 $95.00 $99.00 $89.00 $101.00 $97.00 $108.00 $90.00 $102.00 $482.00 $573.00 $479.00 $569.00 $472.00 $563.00 $161.00 $193.00 $198.00 $229.00 $191.00 $219.00 $367.00 $435.00 $364.00 $431.00 $357.00 $420.00 $588.00 $700.00 $585.00 $696.00 $578.00 $684.00 $257.00 $312.00 $297.00 $350.00 $290.00 $338.00 $459.00 $557.00 $485.00 $583.00 $478.00 $572.00

Clear Pine Clear Pine Clear Pine

Primed Solid Poplar Primed Solid Poplar

Primed, White W/S - (3-Sides) Primed, White W/S - (4-Sides)

$99.00 $142.00 $242.00

— $119.00 — $162.00 — $262.00

— $113.00 — $156.00 — $256.00

— — —

Primed, White W/S, Sweep, Oak Threshold

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Interior Doors Additions and Deductions

1-3/4” Single Rabbeted Jamb Add On

Single 6/8 Unit

Double 6/8 Unit

Single 7/0 Unit

Double 7/0 Unit

Single 8/0 Unit

Double 8/0 Unit

Jamb Species


Primed Primed

1-3/16" x 4-9/16" 1-3/16" x 6-9/16" 1-3/16" x 2-1/4" 1-3/16" x 6-9/16" 1-3/16" x 2-1/4" 1-3/16" x 6-9/16" 1-3/16" x 2-1/4" 1-3/16" x 4-9/16" 1-3/16" x 4-9/16" 1-3/16" x 4-9/16" 1-3/16" x 4-9/16" 1-3/16" x 4-9/16"

$67.00 $79.00 $64.00 $75.00 $57.00 $68.00 $167.00 $195.00 $164.00 $191.00 $157.00 $184.00

Primed for Residential Elevator


— $91.00

— $84.00

Clear Pine

$291.00 $344.00 $364.00 $431.00 $357.00 $420.00

Clear Pine for Residential Elevator


— $391.00

— $384.00

Primed Solid Poplar

$458.00 $557.00 $484.00 $583.00 $478.00 $572.00

Primed Solid Poplar for Residential Elevator

$485.00 $99.00 $143.00 $242.00 $252.00 $312.00 $392.00

— $511.00 — $119.00 — $163.00 — $262.00 — $249.00 — $309.00 — $389.00

— $505.00 — $113.00 — $157.00 — $256.00 — $243.00 — $303.00 — $383.00

— — — — — — —

Primed, White W/S - (3-Sides) Primed, White W/S - (4-Sides)

Primed, White W/S, Sweep, Oak Threshold

Clear Pine, White W/S - (3-Sides) Clear Pine, White W/S - (4-Sides)

Clear Pine, White W/S, Sweep, Oak Threshold 1-3/16" x 4-9/16"

Split Jamb Add On

Single 6/8 Unit

Double 6/8 Unit

Single 7/0 Unit

Double 7/0 Unit

Single 8/0 Unit

Double 8/0 Unit

Jamb Species


Primed Primed Primed Primed Primed Primed

3-3/8" to 4" 4-3/8" to 5"

$6.00 $10.00

$6.00 $10.00 $6.00 $10.00 $7.00


4-1/2" to 5-1/4"

$6.00 $10.00 $41.00 $67.00 $62.00 $69.00

— — —

— — —

— — —

— — —

6-3/8" to 7"

(Providence stock)

6-1/2" to 7-1/4" 7-1/2" to 13-3/4"

(Barclay stock)

$412.00 $497.00 $412.00 $498.00 $413.00 $498.00

Raw Fingerjoint (Mocksville stock)

4-3/8" to 5" 4-3/8" to 5"



$11.00 $13.00 $3.00


Clear Pine Clear Pine Clear Pine Clear Pine

$108.00 $140.00 $113.00 $145.00 $153.00 $208.00 $177.00 $208.00

— — — —

— — — —

— — — —

— — — —

4-1/2" to 5-1/4"

6-3/8" to 7"

(Providence stock)

6-1/2" to 7-1/4"

Casing 2-Sides Add On

Single 6/8 Unit

Double 6/8 Unit

Single 7/0 Unit

Double 7/0 Unit

Single 8/0 Unit

Double 8/0 Unit

Casing Profile


Primed WM-327 Primed WM-356 Primed WM-366 Primed WM-376 Primed WM-442 Primed WM-472 Primed WM-315 Primed WM-351 Primed WM-361 Primed WM-371 Primed WM-444L Primed WM-445 Primed WM-432 Primed WM-361W Primed WM-452L E1E

11/16" x 2-1/4" 11/16" x 2-1/4" 11/16" x 2-1/4" 11/16" x 2-1/4" 11/16" x 2-1/4" 9/16" x 2-1/2" 11/16" x 2-1/2" 11/16" x 2-1/2" 11/16" x 2-1/2" 11/16" x 2-1/2" 11/16" x 2-1/2" 11/16" x 3-1/4" 11/16" x 3-1/4" 9/16" x 3-1/2" 11/16" x 3-1/2"

$62.00 $70.00 $102.00 $110.00 $122.00 $130.00 $62.00 $70.00 $70.00 $78.00 $70.00 $78.00 $62.00 $72.00 $104.00 $114.00 $108.00 $118.00 $62.00 $70.00 $80.00 $88.00 $80.00 $88.00 $62.00 $70.00 $82.00 $90.00 $82.00 $90.00 $68.00 $78.00 $88.00 $98.00 $96.00 $106.00 $66.00 $76.00 $90.00 $100.00 $106.00 $116.00 $118.00 $136.00 $118.00 $136.00 $138.00 $156.00 $88.00 $102.00 $100.00 $114.00 $104.00 $118.00 $106.00 $124.00 $106.00 $124.00 $116.00 $134.00 $82.00 $96.00 $88.00 $102.00 $88.00 $102.00 $82.00 $98.00 $92.00 $108.00 $92.00 $108.00 $86.00 $100.00 $176.00 $190.00 $176.00 $190.00 $100.00 $116.00 $114.00 $130.00 $114.00 $130.00 $86.00 $100.00 — — — —

Interior Adds & Deducts - Page 5 1Q2023 Visit our online catalog at

Interior Doors Additions and Deductions

Casing 2-Sides Add On

Single 6/8 Unit

Double 6/8 Unit

Single 7/0 Unit

Double 7/0 Unit

Single 8/0 Unit

Double 8/0 Unit

Casing Profile


Primed WM-412L E1E

11/16" x 3-1/2" 11/16" x 3-1/2" 11/16" x 3-1/2" 11/16" x 3-1/2" 1-1/16" x 3-1/2" 1-1/16" x 3-1/2" 1-1/8" x 3-1/2" 3/4" x 3-1/2" 3/4" x 3-1/2" 3/4" x 3-1/2" 3/4" x 5-1/2" 3/4" x 5-1/2"

$104.00 $120.00 $116.00 $132.00

— —

— —

Primed WM-444 Primed Stafford Primed DC-99

$86.00 $102.00

$104.00 $122.00 $122.00 $140.00 $192.00 $210.00 $110.00 $130.00 $114.00 $134.00 $124.00 $144.00 $142.00 $170.00 $162.00 $190.00 $162.00 $190.00 $138.00 $162.00 $158.00 $182.00 $158.00 $182.00 $188.00 $222.00 $220.00 $254.00 $244.00 $278.00 $122.00 $140.00 $134.00 $152.00 $134.00 $152.00 $104.00 $104.00 $116.00 $116.00 $116.00 $116.00 $160.00 $216.00 $172.00 $228.00 $172.00 $228.00 $310.00 $366.00 $310.00 $366.00 $338.00 $394.00 $256.00 $256.00 $256.00 $256.00 $282.00 $282.00 $58.00 $70.00 $62.00 $74.00 $64.00 $76.00 $74.00 $88.00 $88.00 $102.00 $88.00 $102.00 $136.00 $160.00 $154.00 $178.00 $154.00 $178.00

Primed WM-523 (RB-3)

Primed WM-97 Primed Windsor

1x4" Primed

1x4" Primed less Head 1x4" Primed w/1x6" Head

1x6" Primed

1x6" Primed less Head

Note: For 1x4 and 1x6 casing, please specify whether to butt joint or miter the heads FJ WM-356 11/16” x 2-1/4”

FJ WM-445

11/16” x 3-1/4” 1-1/16” x 3-1/2”

FJ WM-523 (RB-3)

Casing 2-Sides Add On

Single 6/8 Unit

Double 6/8 Unit

Single 7/0 Unit

Double 7/0 Unit

Single 8/0 Unit

Double 8/0 Unit

Casing Profile


Clear Pine WM-327 Clear Pine WM-356 Clear Pine WM-366 Clear Pine WM-376 Clear Pine WM-442 Clear Pine WM-351 Clear Pine WM-361 Clear Pine WM-445 Clear Pine WM-444

11/16" x 2-1/4" 11/16" x 2-1/4" 11/16" x 2-1/4" 11/16" x 2-1/4" 11/16" x 2-1/4" 11/16" x 2-1/2" 11/16" x 2-1/2" 11/16" x 3-1/4" 11/16" x 3-1/2" 1-1/16" x 3-1/2" 1-1/16" x 3-1/2"

$120.00 $142.00 $166.00 $188.00 $200.00 $222.00

$120.00 $142.00 $120.00 $142.00

— —

— —

— —

— —

$120.00 $142.00 $170.00 $192.00 $204.00 $226.00

$120.00 $142.00 $164.00 $194.00

— —

— —

— —

— —

$198.00 $236.00 $220.00 $258.00 $230.00 $268.00 $168.00 $198.00 $172.00 $202.00 $172.00 $202.00







Clear Pine WM-523 (RB-3)

$266.00 $316.00

Clear Pine WM-97

$266.00 $316.00 $294.00 $344.00 $308.00 $358.00

4-Sided Casing Add On

Single 6/8 Unit

Double 6/8 Unit

Single 7/0 Unit

Double 7/0 Unit

Single 8/0 Unit

Double 8/0 Unit

Casing Profile


Primed WM-376 Primed WM-445

11/16” x 2-1/4” 11/16” x 3-1/4”

$74.00 $94.00 $92.00 $112.00 $92.00 $112.00 $100.00 $128.00 $110.00 $138.00 $110.00 $138.00

Other Additions

All Units

Cut bottom of casing set for Plinth Block (please provide plinth height)


Interior Adds & Deducts - Page 6 1Q2023 Visit our online catalog at

Interior Doors Additions and Deductions

Casing Profiles

WM351 11/16” x 2-1/2” WM356 11/16” x 2-1/4” WM351 11/16” x 2-1/2”

WM356 11/16” x 2-1/4” WM356 11/16” x 2-1/4” WM351 11/16” x 2-1/2”

WM315 11/16” x 2-1/2” WM327 11/16” x 2-1/4” WM315 11/16” x 2-1/2”

WM366 11/16” x 2-1/4” WM366 11/16” x 2-1/4”

WM327 11/16” x 2-1/4” WM315 11/16” x 2-1/2” WM327 11/16” x 2-1/4”

WM361 11/16” x 2-1/2”

WM361W 11/16” x 3-1/2”

CHECK WM432 9/16” x 3-1/2”

WM412L E1E 11/16” x 3-1/2”

WM371 11/16” x 2-1/2” WM370P 11/16 x 2-3/4

WM376 11/16” x 2-1/4” WM370P 11/16 x 2-3/4

WM442 11/16” x 2-1/4”

470L 1-1/16” x 3-11/16”

WM444 11/16” x 3-1/2”

WM444L 11/16” x 3-1/4”

WM445 11/16” x 3-1/4”

Stafford 11/16” x 3-1/2”

WM472 9/16” x 2-1/2”

WM452 E1E 11/16” x 2-1/2”

WM523 (RB-3) 1-1/16” x 3-1/2”

Windsor 1-1/16” x 3-1/2”

Baby Windsor 11/16” x 2-1/2”

WM97 1-1/16” x 3-1/2”

DC99 11/16” x 3-1/2”


Applied (each)

Ball Catch for 1-3/8" Flat Black Ball Catch for 1-3/8" Bright Brass Ball Catch for 1-3/8" Antique Brass Ball Catch for 1-3/8" Oil Rubbed Bronze Ball Catch for 1-3/8" Satin Nickel Ball Catch for 1-3/8" Bright Chrome Ball Catch for 1-3/8" Satin Chrome Ball Catch for 1-3/4" Flat Black Ball Catch for 1-3/4" Bright Brass Ball Catch for 1-3/4" Antique Brass Ball Catch for 1-3/4" Oil Rubbed Bronze Ball Catch for 1-3/4" Satin Nickel Ball Catch for 1-3/4" Bright Chrome Ball Catch for 1-3/4" Satin Chrome Magnetic Door Catch Bright Brass Magnetic Door Catch Aluminum Magnetic Concealed Door Catch Roller Catch Oil Rubbed Bronze Roller Catch Satin Nickel Roller Catch Bright Chrome Emtek Roller Catch Bright Brass Emtek Roller Catch Satin Nickel Door Viewer for Flat Panel Fire Door Door Viewer for Flat Panel Fire Door Emtek Roller Catch Oil Rubbed Bronze Roller Catch Bright Brass


$16.00 $16.00 $16.00 $16.00 $16.00 $16.00 $16.00 $17.00 $17.00 $17.00 $17.00 $17.00 $17.00 $17.00 $17.00 $17.00 $49.00 $70.00 $76.00 $79.00 $79.00 $123.00 $123.00 $123.00 $39.00 $38.00

US10B US15 US26 US26D


US10B US15 US26 US26D


(Door prep only, not applied)


US10B US15 US26



US15 US5 US15

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Interior Doors Additions and Deductions


Applied $43.00 $50.00 $63.00 $67.00 $135.00 $73.00 $256.00 $183.00 $116.00 $131.00

Astragal - Primed up to 7-0 1-3/8" Door No/Kerf - Providence Stock

Astragal - Clear Pine up to 7-0 1-3/8" Door No/Kerf Astragal - Clear Pine up to 7-0 1-3/4" Door No/Kerf

Astragal - Clear Pine up to 8-0 1-3/8" Door No/Kerf - Barclay Stock Astragal - Clear Pine up to 8-0 1-3/8" Door No/Kerf worked for 18" Flush Bolt

Astragal - Clear Pine up to 8-0 1-3/4" Door No/Kerf Astragal - Fir Veneer up to 7-0 1-3/8" Door No/Kerf Astragal - Maple Veneer up to 7-0 1-3/8" Door No/Kerf Astragal - Knotty Alder Veneer up to 6-8 1-3/8" Door No/Kerf Astragal - Knotty Alder Veneer up to 8-0 1-3/8" Door No/Kerf Astragal - Oak up to 7-0 1-3/8" Door No/Kerf Astragal - Oak Veneer up to 7-0 1-3/8" Door No/Kerf Astragal - Primed Poplar up to 8-0 1-3/4 Door No/Kerf


$254.00 $133.00

Flush Bolt w/Strike Bright Brass 18" Flush Bolt w/Strike Bright Brass Flush Bolt w/Strike Antique Brass Flush Bolt w/Strike Oil Rubbed Bronze 18" Flush Bolt w/Strike Oil Rubbed Bronze


$28.00 each $32.00 each $28.00 each

US10B $28.00 each US10B $32.00 each

Flush Bolt w/Strike Satin Nickel 18" Flush Bolt w/Strike Satin Nickel Flush Bolt w/Strike Bright Chrome Flush Bolt w/Strike Satin Chrome

US15 US15 US26

$28.00 each $32.00 each $28.00 each

US26D $28.00 each

Interior Oak Saddle Sill Applied to 4-9/16" Interior Frame (Flat or Rabbeted Jambs Only) - Single


Interior Oak Saddle Sill Applied to 4-9/16" Interior Frame (Flat or Rabbeted Jambs Only) - Double Interior Oak Saddle Sill Applied to 6-9/16" Interior Frame (Flat or Rabbeted Jambs Only) - Single Interior Oak Saddle Sill Applied to 6-9/16" Interior Frame (Flat or Rabbeted Jambs Only) - Double

$169.00 $143.00 $203.00 $46.00

Carton Wrap for Door


Single $27.00 $124.00

Reduce stock flat jamb, split jamb or single rabbeted jamb widths, where applicable (Go to next larger jamb and add)

Reduce stock double rabbeted jamb widths, where applicable (Go to next larger jamb and add)

Door Only Modifications

2-Door $173.00 $66.00


Reeb Shop-made Bifold (Unit includes door prep, track & hardware) - Add to 2X or 4X Door Only prices

$346.00 $132.00 Per Door

Reduce Height of stock carton packaged bifold only 2” or less

Reduce Width of Door Only 1/4” or less


Reduce Width of Flush or Molded Door Only more than 1/2” Reduce Height of HC Flush or Molded Door Only Reduce Height of PC Flush or Molded Door Only Reduce Height of 1-3/8" Stile & Rail Door Only 2" or less

(cut, route out, & replace stile) $176.00 (cut, route out, & replace rail) $66.00 (cut, route out, & replace rail) $136.00

$42.00 $62.00

Prep Door panel for Barn Door Hardware ♦

 Saddle Sills available for standard flat and rabbeted interior frames. ♦ Includes groove prep for floor guide and hole preps for roller brackets.

Interior Adds & Deducts - Page 8 1Q2023 Visit our online catalog at

Interior Doors Additions and Deductions

Single Unit

Double Unit $277.00 $417.00 $229.00

Door Unit Modifications

Reduce Height of 6/8 1-3/8” Wood Stile Flush or Molded Door Unit 2” or less

$211.00 $281.00 $187.00

Reduce Height of 1-3/8” Wood Stile Flush or Molded Door Unit more than 1” or any Fiber Stile unit

Reduce Height of 1-3/4” Flush or Molded Door Unit Reduce Height of 1-3/8” Stile & Rail Door Unit 2” or less

$314.00 $483.00

Single Unit $8.00 $8.00 $16.00 $28.00 $11.00 $19.00 $38.00 $38.00 $38.00 $46.00 $51.00 $62.00

Double Unit $16.00 $16.00 $32.00 $56.00 $22.00 $38.00 $76.00 $76.00 $76.00 $92.00 $102.00 $124.00


Reeb Standard Lock Prep

Door or Frame

Reeb Standard Radius Hinge Prep

6/8 or 7/0 Door or Frame 6/8 or 7/0 Door or Frame 6/8 or 7/0 Door or Frame

Reeb Standard Lock & Radius Hinge Prep Reeb Standard Square Corner Hinge Prep

Reeb Standard Radius Hinge Prep

8/0 Door or Frame 8/0 Door or Frame 8/0 Door or Frame

Reeb Standard Lock & Radius Hinge Prep Reeb Standard Square Corner Hinge Prep

Reeb Non-Standard Lock Prep

Door or Frame

Reeb Non-Standard Radius Hinge Prep

6/8 or 7/0 Door or Frame 6/8 or 7/0 Door or Frame

Reeb Non-Standard Square Corner Hinge Prep

Reeb Non-Standard Radius Hinge Prep

8/0 Door or Frame 8/0 Door or Frame

Reeb Non-Standard Square Corner Hinge Prep

Reeb Stock Steel Plated Hinge Options (unless noted) Add to 1-3/8” Units

Single Unit 6/8 & 7/0

Double Unit 6/8 & 7/0

Single Unit 8/0

Double Unit 8/0

Radius Corner US1D Flat Black US3 Bright Brass US4 Satin Brass

3-1/2” x 3-1/2” 3-1/2" x 3-1/2" 3-1/2” x 3-1/2” 3-1/2” x 3-1/2” 3-1/2” x 3-1/2” 3-1/2” x 3-1/2” 3-1/2” x 3-1/2” 3-1/2” x 3-1/2” 3-1/2” x 3-1/2” 3-1/2” x 3-1/2” 3-1/2” x 3-1/2” 3-1/2” x 3-1/2”


$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3.00 $0.00 $0.00 $27.00 $0.00

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $6.00 $0.00 $0.00 $6.00 $0.00 $0.00

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $4.00 $0.00 $0.00 $4.00 $0.00 $0.00

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00

35222 99507 35224 35041 35042 35043 35044 35437 35045 35223

US4B Light Brass Bright

Standard Standard Standard Standard

US5 Antique Brass

$8.00 $0.00 $0.00 $8.00 $0.00 $0.00 $72.00

US10B Oil Rubbed Bronze

US15 Satin Nickel

US15A Antique Nickel US26 Polished Chrome US26D Satin Chrome US32D Stainless Steel



USP White Prime




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Interior Doors Additions and Deductions

Reeb Stock Steel Plated Hinge Options (unless noted) Add to 1-3/8” Units

Single Unit 6/8 & 7/0

Double Unit 6/8 & 7/0

Single Unit 8/0

Double Unit 8/0

Radius Corner Ball Bearing

3-1/2” x 3-1/2” 3-1/2” x 3-1/2” 3-1/2” x 3-1/2” 3-1/2” x 3-1/2” 3-1/2” x 3-1/2” 3-1/2” x 3-1/2” 3-1/2” x 3-1/2” 3-1/2” x 3-1/2” 3-1/2” x 3-1/2” 3-1/2” x 3-1/2” 3-1/2” x 3-1/2” 3-1/2” x 3-1/2” 3-1/2” x 3-1/2” 3-1/2” x 3-1/2” 3-1/2” x 3-1/2” 3-1/2” x 3-1/2” 3-1/2” x 3-1/2” 3-1/2” x 3-1/2” 3-1/2” x 3-1/2” 3-1/2” x 3-1/2” 3-1/2” x 3-1/2” 3-1/2” x 3-1/2” 3-1/2” x 3-1/2” 3-1/2” x 3-1/2” 3-1/2” x 3-1/2”

US1D Flat Black US3 Bright Brass

$3.00 $9.00 $3.00 $9.00 $9.00 $9.00 $9.00 $9.00

$6.00 $18.00 $6.00 $18.00 $18.00 $18.00 $18.00 $18.00 $60.00 $66.00 $60.00 $66.00 $66.00 $60.00 $66.00 $66.00 $72.00 $72.00 $72.00 $72.00 $72.00 $72.00 $72.00 $72.00 $72.00

$4.00 $12.00 $4.00 $12.00 $12.00 $12.00 $12.00 $12.00 $40.00 $44.00 $40.00 $44.00 $44.00 $40.00 $44.00 $44.00 $48.00 $48.00 $48.00 $48.00 $48.00 $48.00 $48.00 $48.00 $48.00



US4B Light Brass Bright


US5 Antique Brass

$24.00 $24.00 $24.00 $24.00 $24.00 $80.00 $88.00 $80.00 $88.00 $88.00 $80.00 $88.00 $88.00 $96.00 $96.00 $96.00 $96.00 $96.00 $96.00 $96.00 $96.00 $96.00

US10B Oil Rubbed Bronze

US15 Satin Nickel

US15A Antique Nickel US26 Polished Chrome

Square Corner US1D Flat Black US3 Bright Brass US4 Satin Brass US5 Antique Brass

$30.00 $33.00 $30.00 $33.00 $33.00 $30.00 $33.00 $33.00 $36.00 $36.00 $36.00 $36.00 $36.00 $36.00 $36.00 $36.00 $36.00

60802 35210 60908 35063 35065 35062 35064

US10B Oil Rubbed Bronze

US15 Satin Nickel

US26 Polished Chrome US26D Satin Chrome

Square Corner Ball Bearing

US1D Flat Black US3 Bright Brass US4 Satin Brass

US3-4 Light Brass Bright

US5 Antique Brass

US10B Oil Rubbed Bronze

US15 Satin Nickel

US26 Polished Chrome US26D Satin Chrome

Self-Closing Spring Hinges Double Action #3029-5 US1D for 1-3/8" Doors - 1 Pr. (Door Weight 65 Lbs.) Double Action #3029-5 US1D for 1-3/8" Doors - 1-1/2 Pr. (Door Weight 93 Lbs.) Double Action #3029-5 US4 for 1-3/8" Doors - 1 Pr. (Door Weight 65 Lbs.) Double Action #3029-5 US4 for 1-3/8" Doors - 1-1/2 Pr. (Door Weight 93 Lbs.) Double Action #3029-5 US10B for 1-3/8" Doors - 1 Pr. (Door Weight 65 Lbs.) Double Action #3029-5 US10B for 1-3/8" Doors - 1-1/2 Pr. (Door Weight 93 Lbs.) Double Action #3029-5 US15 for 1-3/8" Doors - 1 Pr. (Door Weight 65 Lbs.) Double Action #3029-5 US15 for 1-3/8" Doors - 1-1/2 Pr. (Door Weight 93 Lbs.)



— $388.00




— $408.00




— $406.00




— $406.00

$812.00 $628.00 $672.00 $664.00 $664.00

Double Action Floor Hinge US4 Double Action Floor Hinge US10B Double Action Floor Hinge US15 Double Action Floor Hinge US1D

$314.00 $336.00 $332.00 $332.00 $885.00 $624.00 $690.00 $891.00

$628.00 $672.00 $664.00 $664.00 $1,770.00 $1,248.00 $1,380.00 $1,782.00

$314.00 $336.00 $332.00 $332.00 $1,180.00 $832.00 $920.00 $1,188.00

Soss Invisible Hinges for 1-3/8” Doors

216 Bright Brass - US3 216 Dull Brass - US4 216 Satin Nickel - US15

$2,360.00 $1,664.00 $1,840.00 $2,376.00

216 Oil Rubbed Bronze, Lacquered Finish - US10B

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Interior Doors Additions and Deductions

Reeb Stock Steel Plated Hinge Options (unless noted) Add to 1-3/4” Units

Single Unit 6/8 & 7/0

Double Unit 6/8 & 7/0

Single Unit 8/0

Double Unit 8/0

Radius Corner US1D Flat Black US3 Bright Brass US4 Satin Brass

4” x 4” 4” x 4” 4” x 4” 4” x 4” 4” x 4” 4” x 4” 4” x 4” 4” x 4” 4” x 4” 4” x 4” 4” x 4” 4” x 4” 4” x 4” 4” x 4” 4” x 4” 4” x 4” 4” x 4” 4” x 4” 4” x 4” 4” x 4” 4” x 4” 4” x 4” 4” x 4” 4” x 4” 4” x 4” 4” x 4” 4” x 4” 4” x 4” 4” x 4” 4” x 4” 4” x 4” 4” x 4” 4” x 4” 4” x 4” 4” x 4” 4” x 4” 4” x 4” 4” x 4” 4” x 4” 4” x 4” 4” x 4” 4” x 4” 4” x 4” 4” x 4” 4” x 4”


$6.00 $6.00 $6.00 $6.00 $6.00 $6.00 $6.00 $6.00 $6.00 $9.00 $6.00 $9.00 $9.00 $9.00 $9.00 $9.00 $9.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3.00 $0.00 $36.00 ($3.00) $42.00 $0.00 $102.00 $27.00 $30.00 $27.00 $30.00 $30.00 $27.00

$12.00 $12.00 $12.00 $12.00 $12.00 $12.00 $12.00 $12.00 $12.00 $18.00 $12.00 $18.00 $18.00 $18.00 $18.00 $18.00 $18.00 $54.00 $60.00 $54.00 $60.00 $60.00 $54.00 $204.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $6.00 $0.00 $72.00 ($6.00) $84.00 $0.00

$8.00 $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 $12.00 $8.00 $12.00 $12.00 $12.00 $12.00 $12.00 $12.00 $136.00 $36.00 $40.00 $36.00 $40.00 $40.00 $36.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3.00 $0.00 $48.00 ($4.00) $56.00 $0.00

$16.00 $16.00 $16.00 $16.00 $16.00 $16.00 $16.00 $16.00 $16.00 $24.00 $16.00 $24.00 $24.00 $24.00 $24.00 $24.00 $24.00 $272.00 $72.00 $80.00 $72.00 $80.00 $80.00 $72.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $6.00 $0.00 $96.00 ($8.00) $112.00 $0.00

35225 99508 35227 35047 35048 35049 35050 35053 35051 35419

US4B Light Brass Bright

US5 Antique Brass

US10B Oil Rubbed Bronze

US15 Satin Nickel

US15A Antique Nickel US26 Polished Chrome US26D Satin Chrome US32D Stainless Steel

USP White Prime

Radius Corner NRP (non-removable pin)

US3 NRP Bright Brass US4 NRP Satin Brass US5 NRP Antique Brass

US10B NRP Oil Rubbed Bronze

US15 NRP Satin Nickel

US26 NRP Polished Chrome US26D NRP Satin Chrome US32D NRP Stainless Steel

US1D NRP Flat Black

Reeb Stock Plated Steel Hinge Options (unless noted) Add to 1-3/4” Units

Single Unit 6/8 & 7/0

Double Unit 6/8 & 7/0

Single Unit 8/0

Double Unit 8/0

Radius Corner Ball Bearing

US1D Flat Black US3 Bright Brass

35347 98384 98385 98386 98387 98388 98389

US4B Light Brass Bright

US5 Antique Brass

US10B Oil Rubbed Bronze

US15 Satin Nickel

US26 Polished Chrome US26D Satin Chrome US1D NRP Flat Black US3 NRP Bright Brass US4B NRP Satin Brass US5 NRP Antique Brass US15 NRP Satin Nickel US15A NRP Antique Nickel US26 NRP Polished Chrome US26D NRP Satin Chrome US32D NRP Stainless Steel US10B NRP Oil Rubbed Bronze

98356 98357 98358 98359

98524 98728

Square Corner US1D Flat Black US3 Bright Brass US4 Satin Brass US5 Antique Brass

35066 35215 60910 35068 35070

US10B Oil Rubbed Bronze

US15 Satin Nickel

Interior Adds & Deducts - Page 11 1Q2023 Visit our online catalog at

Interior Doors Additions and Deductions

Reeb Stock Plated Steel Hinge Options (unless noted) Add to 1-3/4” Units

Single Unit 6/8 & 7/0

Double Unit 6/8 & 7/0

Single Unit 8/0

Double Unit 8/0

4” x 4” 4” x 4”

US26 Polished Chrome US26D Satin Chrome

35067 35069

$30.00 $30.00

$60.00 $60.00

$40.00 $40.00

$80.00 $80.00

Square Corner Ball Bearing

4” x 4” 4” x 4” 4” x 4” 4” x 4” 4” x 4” 4” x 4” 4” x 4” 4” x 4” 4” x 4”

US1D Flat Black US3 Bright Brass US4 Satin Brass US5 Antique Brass

$36.00 $36.00 $36.00 $36.00 $36.00 $36.00 $36.00 $36.00 $36.00

$72.00 $72.00 $72.00 $72.00 $72.00 $72.00 $72.00 $72.00 $72.00

$48.00 $48.00 $48.00 $48.00 $48.00 $48.00 $48.00 $48.00 $48.00

$96.00 $96.00 $96.00 $96.00 $96.00 $96.00 $96.00 $96.00 $96.00

US10B Oil Rubbed Bronze

US15 Satin Nickel

US26 Polished Chrome US26D Satin Chrome US26D Satin Chrome

Self-Closing Spring Hinges Double Action #3029-5 US1D for 1-3/4" Doors - 1 Pr. (Door Weight 65 Lbs.) Double Action #3029-5 US1D for 1-3/4" Doors - 1-1/2 Pr. (Door Weight 93 Lbs.) Double Action #3029-6 US4 for 1-3/4" Doors - 1 Pr. (Door Weight 65 Lbs.) Double Action #3029-6 US4 for 1-3/4" Doors - 1-1/2 Pr. (Door Weight 93 Lbs.) Double Action #3029-5 US10B for 1-3/4" Doors - 1 Pr. (Door Weight 65 Lbs.) Double Action #3029-5 US10B for 1-3/4" Doors - 1-1/2 Pr. (Door Weight 93 Lbs.) Double Action #3029-5 US15 for 1-3/4" Doors - 1 Pr. (Door Weight 65 Lbs.) Double Action #3029-5 US15 for 1-3/4" Doors - 1-1/2 Pr. (Door Weight 93 Lbs.)



— $452.00




— $480.00




— $480.00




— $480.00

$960.00 $628.00 $672.00 $664.00 $664.00 $96.00 $88.00 $104.00 $104.00 $104.00 $104.00 $264.00

Double Action Floor Hinge US4 Double Action Floor Hinge US10B Double Action Floor Hinge US15 Double Action Floor Hinge US1D

$314.00 $336.00 $332.00 $332.00 $36.00 $33.00 $39.00 $39.00 $39.00 $39.00 $99.00 $969.00 $654.00 $735.00 $963.00

$628.00 $672.00 $664.00 $664.00 $72.00 $66.00 $78.00 $78.00 $78.00 $78.00 $198.00 $1,938.00 $1,308.00 $1,470.00 $1,926.00

$314.00 $336.00 $332.00 $332.00 $48.00 $44.00 $52.00 $52.00 $52.00 $52.00 $132.00 $1,292.00 $872.00 $980.00 $1,284.00

Radius Corner Self-Closing (3 per 6/8, 7/0 unit, 4 per 8/0 unit, other hinge is ball bearing)

4” x 4” 4” x 4” 4” x 4” 4” x 4” 4” x 4” 4” x 4” 4” x 4”

US1D Flat Black US2D Satin Brass US3 Bright Brass

US10B Oil Rubbed Bronze

US15 Satin Nickel

US26D Satin Chrome US32D Stainless Steel

SOSS Hinges for 1-3/4” Doors

218 Bright Brass - US3 218 Dull Brass - US4 218 Satin Nickel - US15

$2,584.00 $1,744.00 $1,960.00 $2,568.00

218 Oil Rubbed Bronze, Lacquered Finish - US10BL

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