Reeb Price Catalog - Exterior Doors - Effective 10/09/2023
Screen & Storm Doors Larson Storm Doors
Reeb offers a wide range of styles and colors that allows you to match a door to the look and feel of your home.
Measuring for a Storm Door Measure the door opening width (horizontally) as depicted in the diagram to the right. Take one measurement across the top of the door (A), one across the middle (B) and one across the bottom (C). Record the narrowest dimension of the three. Then, measure the opening height (vertically) as shown (D). Record the dimension.
Door Opening Size Guide
Minimum Width
Maximum Width
Minimum Height
Maximum Height
Door Opening
30” x 81”
32” x 81”
34” x 81”
36” x 81” 36-3/8” Note: On some installations, a shim may be needed behind the Hinge-Side Z-Bar. Standard size availability varies by model. 35-7/8”
Storm Door Ordering Instructions Standard doors come with Reversa-Hinge that allows the door to either be left or right mount. Platinum Collection doors are pre-hinged to allow for faster installation. When ordering a storm door, the following information will be needed to complete the order: » Model number » Handing if Platinum Collection (Hinge Side from Exterior) » Handleset Type and Finish (where applicable) » Color » Size required
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